<< Convincing Karma >>
March 31, 2004, 12:19 p.m.

If I were to believe in reincarnation, I would be convinced that my sister is the reincarnate of Andy Kaufman. He died May 16th, 1984, just a month and half after my birth. My sister was born on Nov. 5th, 1986. Tis only 2 years, give or take a few months, after Kaufman's death.

The reasons to why I have constructed these thoughts is my sister has the exact personality as Andy. Of course she hasn't lived the exact life he did, but she would come close to what he has done. For example, when Andy was 5 he would perform to his bedroom wall as if the wall were not a wall, but an audience. My sister would do this to the mirror and sing commercials.

My sister has always looked at life through existential eyes. She questioned her existence in childhood. I did the same, but she did so in a deeper level. She was a humanist at the age of 4. She did not care for material positions and would give anything of hers to my brother or myself. Andy Kaufman had the same personality and characteristics. He was very mature for most of his life, and had creativity spilling out his ears. My sister is just as creative.

If you know much about Andy Kaufman and watch him in Taxi, or any of his appearances on a variety of 70's television programs, there is this sadness in his face. He can be acting completely crazy and have a smile, but there is meloncholy in his eyes. My sister has the same gloom. She has had this since her earliest childhood pictures. Both share the same despair in life. This despair is belonging, and both do not belong in this world. Their intellect, creativity, humor, life style, ideas/theories on life are beyond any human creation. It is this that gave them both an aloneness that no one would ever understand.

Andy was considered a genius. He wrote poems, short stories, and 3 novels from the ages of 7 to 35. My sister has written poetry since she was 7 as well. She also writes stories and is in the process of writing a screenplay. Her mind is a beautiful and grand thing. It is almost something I cannot explain, but I understand it because I have similar thoughts and ideas. She is also a genius.

Now for humor, Andy didn't want to come off as hilarious. His entertainment was to derive a myriad of emotions out of the audience. He pushed them to think, feel, and see what limits they could endure.

My sister is in love with humor and is overflowing with it, but she understands the concepts of emotion and how you can manipulate a person's response. She tests the safety zones of all people, and tries to break all cultural norms as often as possible. She does what she wants, when she wants, because she doesn't care what other's think about her. Andy had the same uniform of beliefs and behaviors. He did what he wanted, and sometimes it got him in trouble, but he didn't mind.

So that is why I think my sister is Andy Kaufman. I hope to have convinced you as well, and if not it doesn't matter, think what you want.

In the words of Andy, "Dank you veddy much..."

An official website of Andy Kaufman: http://andykaufman.jvlnet.com/

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