<< slimy world and it's axon >>
2003-17-02, 12:35 a.m.

I have discovered that the world is like a brain. Trees are the dentrites and the axon terminals, receiving and creating the air. The web in everything are the connections, the neurons creating neurotransmitters. The sky tonight showed me this. The moon was full and bright traveling through the little bundles of clouds. The clouds were layered all linked together but with lots of empty space. These clouds reminded me of tissue or a brain. The moon reminded me of a light scope the doctors use in surgery. Something was looking into the brain tonight. So I stared back and felt like I was traveling with the moon. I love illusion.

I have noticed that people take their somatic nervous system for granted. I have also noticed that people enjoy beautiful things but in short periods of time. I decided to watch the clouds hover quickly under the moon. I didn't want to just glance at it and make it a fading memory. So I stayed with it, watching patiently, silently. I told the others that the sky was breaking because that is what it looked like. They all rushed outside for a second and then went back to entertaining themselves. This was when I had my realization about people. It made me incredibly sober, not that I was intoxicated by anything, well I take that back, I was intoxicated by my overwhelming appreciation of simple happenings. I hope to see more.

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